Monday, December 18, 2006


For a while, I've felt like I'm at the mercy of my schedule and my todo list.  Things pile up faster than I can knock them down and this continues until I reach critical mass.  Then I have a sort of self intervention.  I take off from work or cancel some stuff on my schedule and just attack stuff I let pile up (which usually includes my messy house, so it is literally a pile).  I don't think I've ever felt like I've been at a good homeostatic condition with my life. 

Which brings me to my main point.  Certain things, like my directX UI for Settlers of Catan, can pile up and its not a big deal.  Other things, like cleaning my house, ARE a big deal.  So in addition to my todo list, planned activities and schedule, I'm implementing some non-negotiables.  That is to say that no matter what happens in my day, I AM doing these activities!

On a daily level these include:

  • eating right and taking my meds
  • work (obviously) (8 hours)
  • gym (2.5 hours)
  • 15 minute rule for cleaning
  • sleep (8 HOURS!!!!)

Then there's the weekly cleaning tasks, like the hot tub, kitty litter, garage, etc.

Then, of course things I'd like to get to:

  • 45 minutes for side job work
  • 45 minutes for fun tech projects

Then I have to allow an hour for tv watching and another 30 minutes for miscellaneous stuff.  I need to make sure that my goals are realistic, cuz as soon as I start breaking rules like these just once, then the rule becomes a lot harder to stick with.  Also, I read somewhere that you have to do something for 3 weeks to make it a habit.  Its just like brushing your teeth.  You've done it for so long, you do it without even thinking.  That's where I'd like to get with these tasks.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Getting Crap for Cheaper Online has a neat article about finding cheap stuff on amazon

And don't forget to google for coupon codes before checking out and use Froogle

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Taking Tasks to Task

I struggle with how best to manage my tasks (which might be easier if I actually did some from time to time). Anywho, right now I (try to) use pocketmod and just keep it in my wallet so I dont forget it. I just saw and signed up for remember the milk, which looks kinda neat especiallyl the google calendar integration. Anyone tried it yet or have any other suggestions?

Hello again

Hello again. I suck at keeping journals, as you can see from the date of my last post. However, I feel a need to share so here goes. I already have a blog for tech stuff , so this will be for everything else. It'll be a mix of some personal tech ala lifehacker or lifehack, and also some random ramblings.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Welcome to my blog.